05th October 2025

J.N.Tata Auditorium,
Indian Institute of Science (IISc),

Call for Abstracts

All investigators are invited to submit abstracts on topics pertaining to conference topics mentioned on the website or topic of your own interest. Authors are invited to submit abstract(s) to the official mail address info@geriatricsconference.com in the word document which should not exceed more than 300 words. Abstracts should contain sufficient detail on the techniques used and the results, which will be shown. You will receive a confirmation when the abstract has been received. Please contact the conference secretariat if you did not receive confirmation within 5 working days. Submission implies the intent of at least one author to register, attend the symposium and present the paper. Contributions will only be finally accepted after registration and payment of the conference fee. The abstract will be reviewed, and you will be notified of acceptance.

Important Dates

  • Early bird Registration Deadline: Upto 19th March 2025
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 19th March 2025
  • Guideline for Speaker Presentation
    • Limit the number of slides to 15-20.
    • Each presenter will be given a total 15 Minutes for the presentation (10+5).
    • 10 mins for presentation and 5 min for discussion.
    • The presenters have to pre-check the net connectivity and deal with the Technical issues to avoid glitches or delay during the presentation.
    • The presenter should log in at least 30 min before the schedule time allotted for their presentation.
    • The power point presentation will be uploaded on the conference websites, for the participants. In order to provide access to all virtual presentations during and after the conference.
    • Kindly ensure to prepare your presentation in a 16:9 format in PowerPoint
    • Kindly send your PowerPoint presentation to info@geriatricsconference.com through mail. Please do not forget to mention your complete name, mobile number.
  • Guidelines for Oral Presentation
    • Limit the number of slides to 8-10.
    • Each presenter will be given a total 10 Minutes for the presentation (8+2). 8 mins for presentation and 2 min for discussion.
    • The presenters have to pre-check the net connectivity and deal with the Technical issues to avoid glitches or delay during the presentation.
    • The presenter should log in at least 30 min before the schedule time allotted for their presentation.
    • The power point presentation will be uploaded on the conference websites, for the participants. In order to provide access to all virtual presentations during and after the conference
    • Kindly ensure to prepare your presentation in a 16:9 format in PowerPoint Kindly send your PowerPoint presentation to info@geriatricsconference.com through mail. Please do not forget to mention your complete name, mobile number.
  • Guideline for Poster Presentation
    • The poster shall have to be in JPEG/PNG format, with landscape orientation with aspect ratio of 16:9 (width: Height).
    • Each presenter will be given a total 10 Minutes for the presentation (8+2). 8 mins for presentation and 2 min for discussion.
    • The posters are only one page/slide that conforms to the dimensions mentioned below. Multiple slides/pages are not permitted
    • You may use the .ppt template slide or change the slide dimensions in MS PowerPoint to height- 56.25cm, width-100cm
    • Kindly ensure that your poster is viewable clearly.
    • Kindly send your poster image to info@geriatricsconference.com through mail. Please do not forget to mention your complete name, mobile number.